LeetCode Problem 2 - Add Two Numbers
In this post we’ll be talking about solving the second LeetCode problem. You can find my code for all my LeetCode submissions at GitHub.
Hack The Box - Doctor Writeup
Using .Net 5 to build AWS Lambdas
Check out how to build an AWS Lambda using .Net 5
Today we’re going to talk about how you can build yourself a fancy AWS Lambda using .Net 5.
Hack The Box - Worker Writeup
LeetCode Problem 1 - Two Sum
Today we’re going to be sharpening the axe a bit and doing the first LeetCode problem. You can find my code for all my LeetCode submissions at GitHub.
Hack The Box - Omni Writeup
Make a Code Snippet component in Blazor using Highlight JS
Today I want to show you how to sprinkle some javascript in your Blazor components by making a code snippet component using highlight.js. Highlight.js is a syntax highlighting tool that is available for 191 different languages with 97 different styles. I’ve used it before with C# and it works very well and the styles are great and it helps making this component extraordinarily simple.
Hack The Box - OpenKeyS Writeup
Someone put their MS in my AWS!
Today, we’re going to get a WASM version of Blazor up and running as a serverless site in AWS. To do this, we’ll be building off of my last post about using CloudFormation. We’ll tackle this big task with the following steps: